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Your Satisfaction is our Number One Goal.
At Ladyyard.com we want you to be 100% satisfied with your purchase. Our sincere goal is to provide an enjoyable shopping experience that encourages you to shop with us for years to come. On the occasion that you receive a product that you just don't like or that doesn't match your decor, our experienced customer service staff will guide you through our easy return or exchange policy.
Customers can initiate a return within 30 days of receipt. All returned items must be in brand-new condition, unused and with original tags and packaging. We reserve the right to charge a handling fee or reshipping fee on all items returned or exchanged for non-quality issues.
If the items you received are defective, damaged or incorrect, you can return it for a full refund. In these cases, please be ready to provide our customer service photographs clearly showing the problem with the item and its carrier number as soon as possible. If you believe your item was damaged during shipping, Customer Service will need photographs showing the damaged packaging as well as "Proof of Damage" documentation to process your exchanging or refund. Alternatively, you can open the item in front of the delivery person and if you find that it was damaged during shipping, you can reject it. Ladyyard.com will then ship you a new item immediately. Perceived color differences due to the display settings of your computer monitor are not grounds for a refund.
Step 1 - Acquire authorization and instructions
To begin the return or exchange process, please get contact with our customer service first. Our customer service representatives determine eligibility for refunds and exchanges and then a “Return & Exchange” form will be sent to you. please fill out the form and include as many details as possible, and the requested replacement item’s name, number and color (if necessary). Returning packages without prior approval from Customer Service will halt or delay your return.
Step 2 - Ship product back
Once our customer service has approved your request, please send the item and the completed “Return & Exchange” form together back to us within 15 days. It’s better to use a carrier that will provide both a tracking number as well as a signature that the item was confirmed delivered. If a return is shipped without a tracking number the customer will be liable if the item is lost by the carrier and no refund will be issued.
Step 3 – Refund or exchange
When we receive your return, we will inspect the item in 3-5 working days and then provide a replacement or issue a refund.
For credit card payment refund, please allow up to two billing cycles for your account to be credited. Please do not request a charge back from your credit card company during the return process. Due to the time it takes to resolve charge back disputes, it is usually better to be patient and wait for the return process to run its course.
If you would like to cancel an order that has not yet been shipped, simply contact our customer service. Orders can be cancelled for a full refund. Once an order has already shipped, it cannot be cancelled, rerouted or redirected. When your order ships, you’ll receive a shipment notification email.
Made-to-order items, like hand-painted oil paintings can only be cancelled within 24 hours after payment confirmation.