Vous n'avez aucun article dans votre panier.
Follow the steps below to place an order.
1. Add to Cart
To add an item to your cart, select Add to Cart on the product page.
2. Review Shopping Cart
After you finish shopping, review all items in your shopping cart to verify the correct size, color, and quantity by selecting at the top of every page on LadyYard.com.
3. Proceed to Checkout
When you are ready to order, select the button located in your shopping cart.
4. Account Login
* Checkout as Guest: Click 'Continue', then go to the next step.
* Returning Customers: Log into your account using the same email address and password you used to create the account. If the email address used to set up your account is no longer valid, please contact Customer Service to update your account or simply create a new account.
* New Customers: New customers will need to create an account by entering your email address and password.
5. Enter a Billing Address
Your billing address must match the address listed with your financial institution.
6. Enter a Shipping Address
Choose the 'Ship to different address' option if your shipping address is different from the billing address. At this time we are unable to ship to PO Boxes or APO/FPO military addresses, so customers need to provide a street address.
7. Shipping Method
Confirm the shipping method available for your order.
8. Payment Information
Select your method of payment.View acceptable payment methods here
9. Submit Order
* Review all the information you have entered. If everything is correct, select to complete the order.
* An order confirmation will appear on your screen with your invoice number.
* We will immediately send a confirmation mail of your order to you.
* We will charge your credit card immediately upon order submission.
10. Check Your Order Status
If, at any time, you would like to review your order, click the My Account